UniCredit Bulbank

Corporate Newsletter

‘Invest EU’ - the novel way to grow your business in a new direction

Invest EU provides easier access to finance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and mid-cap companies.

Active programs under the InvestEU framework:

Innovation and Digitalization

Investing in innovation and digital solutions. A program designed for companies focused on innovation, digital technology and digital transformation; R&D development, fast-growing companies and companies that have received awards, certificates or patents for innovation.

Sustainability SMEs and Small Mid-Caps

Enterprise sustainability. The programme is aimed at companies carrying out investments that contribute to the circular economy transition, by allowing reduction of primary raw material use and/or higher use of secondary materials compared to existing practice; investments in solar, wind, geothermal energy and the production of renewable energy elements and components; sustainable and organic agricultural practices, “green investments“; upgrading of infrastructures designed to improve the conservation, efficiency and effective management of water resources and irrigation. The instrument focuses on renewable energy, energy efficiency, modernisation and organic farming projects.

Cultural and Creative Sector – Business Development in the Cultural and Creative Sector

Guarantee programme that improves access to finance for businesses in the cultural and creative sector, thereby supporting a thriving, resilient, creative and cultural economy. All cultural, artistic and creative activities, education, architecture, libraries, museums, arts and crafts, audiovisual effects, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, design, festivals, music, literature, performing arts, publishing, radio, etc. are eligible.

RRF SME Competitiveness

A guarantee programme to facilitate access to finance for micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in order to revitalise credit channels blocked during and after the COVID-19 crisis.